Juvenile Marial Eagle taking off from a branch

The Martial Eagle is Kruger National Park’s largest and most powerful raptor. It is known for its striking appearance, incredible wingspan and exceptional hunting skills.

Whilst we saw many raptors in our 28 days in Kruger, it was this juvenile Martial Eagle sighting that excited us most. Sadly they are becoming less common in the area so we were thrilled to come across this beauty.

Juvenile Martial Eagle looking curious
Juvenile Martial Eagle looking curious
Adult Martial Eagle very focused on the task at hand

The decline of Martial Eagles in areas like Kruger National Park has been linked to several factors, including the reduction of tall trees, which are vital to their survival. These majestic raptors rely on tall trees for nesting and roosting, as they prefer elevated, sturdy sites that provide a broad view of their surroundings for hunting and protection.

Deforestation, habitat degradation, and land-use changes have led to a decline in these critical trees, reducing suitable nesting sites for the Martial Eagle. Additionally, the loss of tall trees affects their prey availability, further straining their ability to thrive.

Roberts Bird Guide suggests that elephants are the major cause of tree destruction. Since the culling of elephants has stopped, the destruction of forests persists. It’s a vicious circle don’t you think?

Juvenile Martial Eagle in flight


  • Habitat – open savanna and woodland
  • Diet – hares, small antelope, warthog piglets, jackal, mongoose and young baboons. Bird prey includes small bustards and ibises. They will also eat snakes and monitor lizards.
  • Size – largest eagle in Africa with a wingspan of 260cm (8.5 feet)
  • Lifespan – up to 25 years

    Happy birding. I hope you get to see a Martial Eagle too. N x
Adult Martial Eagle

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